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44 Mistakes You’re Currently Making in Your Business


If you’re not making mistakes in business you aren’t really going for it… or you’re still maintaining hobby status. Ouch!

This is not even close to an exhaustive list but one that continues to grow – probably on a weekly basis.

Note the mistakes you may be making are all easily correctable.  It’s good to recognize them then to find ways to remedy them, learn from them and quickly move forward!

44 Mistakes You’re Currently Making in Your Business

  1. Not tracking your Google analytics
  2. Asking friends and your spouse for advice on your business (non-business people)
  3. Missing out capturing opt-ins (emails) because you lack a really juicy offer
  4. Doing it all solo (and then playing victim that you’re doing it all by your lonesome)
  5. Diving too deep into the daily minutia
  6. Not focusing on (real) priorities
  7. Keeping your email open all day (and habitually checking it)
  8. Don’t have a clear brand message (or even know what that means)
  9. Working ALL the time (weekends, holidays, family vacations)
  10. Not using systems to collect emails (or have a system at all)
  11. On every social media platform and still chasing after the latest one
  12. Relying solely on online marketing and not getting out in the world
  13. Doing everything – from your books to social media to product creation
  14. Not creating an annual strategic plan
  15. Not sticking to an annual strategic plan
  16. Not revising your annual plan at least quarterly
  17. Chasing after every new technology, tool or strategy that comes along
  18. Trying to appeal to everyone
  19. Creating content on the fly rather than having an editorial calendar
  20. Choosing not to outsource/delegate until you have more revenue
  21. Not looking at your numbers regularly
  22. Strongly ignoring your numbers altogether
  23. Too many flashy bits on site causing it to load too slowly
  24. Your about page doesn’t actually share anything about the real YOU!
  25. Allowing the gurus to get you off course promising to solve all your problems for a $2k class
  26. Comparing yourself mercilessly to every competitor out there
  27. Spending way too much time tweaking your website and changing the style
  28. Wasting time on social media because you lack a plan of action
  29. Not utilizing tools to keep you from wasting time on email/social media
  30. Unclear on your ideal client and refuse to write down exactly who she/he is
  31. Resistant … to just about everything
  32. Scared to share your idea, business, product or service because you don’t want to appear silly (or you think someone will steal them!)
  33. Focusing all your energy on improving your weaknesses rather than on your strengths
  34. Frightened “to ship” (share your product/service) because you want it perfect
  35. Have no one accountable to except yourself (that’s it?)
  36. Think of your business in today’s reality verses acting now with your future vision in mind
  37. Neglected to ask your ideal client what exactly she wants and needs (and will pay for)
  38. Forgot the real reason why you went into business
  39. Didn’t adequately protect your intellectual property (trademarks, copyrighting, patents)
  40. Ignore a pesky little agency called the IRS
  41. Think that business cards are passe (until you meet you someone and they ask you for one)
  42. Don’t bother to network thinking it’s old school (or you don’t think you have time for it)
  43. Say snarky things out loud to others about your competitor
  44. Don’t believe you can really build the business of your dreams.

You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. - Richard Branson. On LearnSavvy. Helping women business owners thrive.


The post 44 Mistakes You’re Currently Making in Your Business appeared first on LearnSavvy.

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